Gantry Rail Servey
- The loads due to misaligned gantry as well as mismatch between crane span and gantry span are so large that this leads to bending of wheel flanges specially in high speed cranes that is responsible for crane derailment.
- The measurent are made predetermined intervals and the reading are plotted an graph for easy of understanding when request by customer, we also undertake survey of gantry girders and its alignment.
- The Gantry Rail Servey is Carried out for shops where the cranes are already in operation. we also provide services for checking of gantry girder span, alignment and level for building under the construction.This greatly benifits in eliminating the future problems related to gantry rail alignment.
- Gantry rail survey includes measurement of Gantry rail span , gantry rail alignment of rail joints and wear.
- We undertake turnkey repairs of Gantry rail alignment based our gantry rail survey report.
Elestar Team used special technique for quick and accurate survey of gantry rails without need for long shutdown. we use laser for gantry survey. proper alignement of ganrty rail is essential for safe and trouble free operation of crane improperly aligned gantries leads to abnormal wear of wheel flanges and gantry rail extra load on LT Drive Mechanism leading to failure of gearbox, wheel axle , wheel bearing, coupling and floating shaft, structural crack and failure of end carraiges as well as need for frequent replacement of wheel, however the biggest threat comes on crane supporting building.
The scope includes supply of gantry rail & rail clamps removal of existing rail and replacementof the same new, rectification of alignment & levels of gantry girders if required from design consideration to avoid horizontal deflection of girder beyond permissible limits.
- Please feel free to download our Brochure
- For more details on our designs, safety and other special features of ELESTAR CRANES, please contact us at salespune@elestarcranes.com